Mrs. Amna Perveen
Master of Library and Information Science
Lecturer & Librarian

Education and library are two inseparable concepts, both being fundamentally and synchronically related to and co-existent with each other. Education cannot exist in the absence of a library and the library has no meaning if it cannot impart education, GCW library’ prime objective is to meet the academic needs of the faculty and students, in addition to the intellectual, moral and spiritual advancement of the students. Books have always been a major source of learning. The story of human civilization tell;s us that libraries have been an essential part of civilised society. It develops the social, political, economic and cultural life of society. Librarians are trained personnel who are supposed to maintain, organise, and manage the libraries to educate the students continuously and assist in their self improvement and provide every possible assistance to the faculty members in meeting their academic needs.
Mission statement
To train students to develop their skills to think cogently; to act rationally; to express themselves coherently; to work diligently and to function compassionately in all avenues of life as they strive to build a cohesive, proud and sovereign nation.

College library is concerned with the communication of knowledge and it keeps in communication of knowledge by providing repackaged information through its friendly devices.
- To collect, classify, catalogue and providing access to materials in all formats in support of the curriculum and programs
- To provide life-long self education
- To Preservation of cultural heritage
- To Provide recreational readings
- To motivate and help students in becoming information literate
- To improve and increase library outreach to students, faculty and the college community In fact, the library is a laboratory for the study and research purpose of our students.